Saturday, January 9, 2010

Monday, December 7, 2009

tonights the last night

My tear stained bags are packed
I look around the room
and think of all the things
that you have done.
I sit joyously and wait for you to come home.

Replaying songs that remind me of you,
Missing you already.
I am not ready to leave.

Everything seems right with you around.
We havent even fought.
How can that be.
You make my sadness run and hide.


You made me trip,
and I've fallen face first.
The rocks left an imprint on my cheeks.
Midnight tears haunt me,
Distance has become inevitable.

Its hard leaving
the missing puzzle piece behind.
These trains have brought
Bittersweet feelings,
Within the same breath.

What a beautiful soul.
Intelligent, Artistic, Musical,
Handsome, Hilarious, Quirky,
Lovable, Dorky, Adventurous,
Compassionate, Strong, Peaceful
No one I have met can compare.

I love Him.
That word can't even begin to describe this feeling.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


The numerous cars
have brought me joy.
They have brought me sorrow.

One day they wont
be such a big part of my life.
As for now I have to plan the next
heart pain.

an emotion I never expected
to experience.
It wont be taken for granted.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


I am a lucky girl.

Friday, November 27, 2009


but not to much I can do.
I feel alone,
and cannot contact my loved ones.
What do I feel.
So fucking confused.
This is farther than I have ever gone
and I already feel myself detaching.

I cant speak my needs or my wants all I know how to do
is watch as it crumbles.
WHAT DO I FEEL????????

Friday, November 13, 2009


Harp as a heart
beats in the plucking of strings.

Living the normal life
is over rated and
too planed out by others.
I think adventure and unknowing
has lead me the right way thus far.